Rule Template

The rule template contains a plain language description of the rule, some background information, and a list of all assumptions. The test procedure is defined by the selector, a number of steps and a description of the possible outcomes.

Use the empty atomic rule template to create new rule. When creating a new rule, first read rule design.

Atomic Rule Template

rule_type: atomic
description: |
  This rule checks ...
  wcag20:x.x.x: # (Name of Success Criterion)
    forConformance: true | false
    failed: not satisfied
    passed: satisfied | further testing needed
    inapplicable: satisfied | further testing needed
  aria11:anchor-name: # <Heading in WAI-ARIA>
    title: Title to display
    forConformance: true | false
    failed: not satisfied
    passed: satisfied | further testing needed
    inapplicable: satisfied | further testing needed
  wcag-technique:Xxx: # <Technique title>
    forConformance: false
    failed: not satisfied
    passed: satisfied | further testing needed
    inapplicable: satisfied | further testing needed
  using-aria:anchor-name: # <Heading in Using ARIA>
    title: Title to display
    forConformance: false
    failed: not satisfied
    passed: satisfied | further testing needed
    inapplicable: satisfied | further testing needed
  -  # (e.g. HTTP Messages, DOM Tree, CSS Styling, Accessibility Tree, Language, etc.,)
    -  # (full names as found in `contributors` property in  `package.json` - if not yet listed, please have authors added to the list)
    -  # (full names as found in `contributors` property in  `package.json` - if not yet listed, please have authors added to the list)

## Applicability

This rule applies to any (??) element ...

## Expectation (1)

Each target element ...

## Assumptions

_No assumptions._

## Accessibility Support

_No accessibility support issues known._

## Background

- Links to Techniques for WCAG 2.0
- Latest version: Techniques for WCAG 2.0 W3C Working Group Note 8 April 2014
- Link to other methodologies, test specifications or tools
- Links to test cases, test suites, unit tests, etc.
- The WCAG 2.0 Techniques already contain examples and code snippets to illustrate which content passes or fails the test. Whenever possible WCAG-ACT-RULES-CG refers to those. Another source for test cases is the W3C Before and After Demonstration.
- Other references

## Test Cases

### Passed

#### Passed Example 1


<!-- code -->

#### Passed Example 2


### Failed

#### Failed Example 1


<!-- code -->

#### Failed Example 2


### Inapplicable

#### Inapplicable Example 1


<!-- code -->

#### Inapplicable Example 2


Composite Rules

Composite rules are rules that take results from different rules and through some logic come to a single result. For example: SC 1.2.3 allows video to pass with either a transcript, an audio description, or if it is a media alternative. Each of these would be atomic rules, that are used in a composite rule. The composite rule than describes that at least one of these must pass for the composite rule to pass.

For more about composite rules, see the ACT Rules Format. To create a composite rule, use the empty composite rule template.

Composite Rule Template

rule_type: composite
description: |
  This rule checks ...
  wcag20:x.x.x: # (Name of Success Criterion)
    forConformance: true | false
    failed: not satisfied
    passed: satisfied | further testing needed
    inapplicable: satisfied | further testing needed
  aria11:anchor-name: # <Heading in WAI-ARIA>
    title: Title to display
    forConformance: true | false
    failed: not satisfied
    passed: satisfied | further testing needed
    inapplicable: satisfied | further testing needed
  wcag-technique:Xxx: # <Technique title>
    forConformance: false
    failed: not satisfied
    passed: satisfied | further testing needed
    inapplicable: satisfied | further testing needed
  using-aria:anchor-name: # <Heading in Using ARIA>
    title: Title to display
    forConformance: false
    failed: not satisfied
    passed: satisfied | further testing needed
    inapplicable: satisfied | further testing needed
    -  # (full names as found in `contributors` property in  `package.json` - if not yet listed, please have authors added to the list)
    -  # (full names as found in `contributors` property in  `package.json` - if not yet listed, please have authors added to the list)

## Applicability

This rule applies to any (??) element ...

## Expectation

For each test target, the outcome of (at least one of / all of / any of etc.) the following rules is (passed / failed / etc.):

- [Rule name](relative_link_to_rule.html)
- ...

## Assumptions

_No assumptions._

## Accessibility Support

_No accessibility support issues known._

## Background

- Links to Techniques for WCAG 2.0
- Latest version: Techniques for WCAG 2.0 W3C Working Group Note 8 April 2014
- Link to other methodologies, test specifications or tools
- Links to test cases, test suites, unit tests, etc.
- The WCAG 2.0 Techniques already contain examples and code snippets to illustrate which content passes or fails the test. Whenever possible WCAG-ACT-RULES-CG refers to those. Another source for test cases is the W3C Before and After Demonstration.
- Other references

## Test Cases

### Passed

#### Passed Example 1


<!-- code -->

#### Passed Example 2


### Failed

#### Failed Example 1


<!-- code -->

#### Failed Example 2


### Inapplicable

#### Inapplicable Example 1


<!-- code -->

#### Inapplicable Example 2
