ARIA attribute is defined in WAI-ARIA

  • Rule Type:atomic
  • Rule Id: 5f99a7
  • Last modified: Sep 16, 2021
  • Accessibility Requirements Mapping:
    • This rule is not required for conformance.
  • Input Aspects:


This rule checks that each aria- attribute specified is defined in ARIA 1.1.


This rule applies to any attribute that starts with aria-.


Each target attribute is defined in WAI-ARIA Specifications.


There are currently no assumptions

Accessibility Support

There are no major accessibility support issues known for this rule.


Test Cases


Passed Example 1

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This article element has an aria-atomic attribute which is defined in WAI-ARIA Specifications.

<article aria-atomic="true">This is a description of something cool...</article>

Passed Example 2

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This div element with a role of dialog has an aria-modal attribute which is defined in WAI-ARIA Specifications.

<div role="dialog" aria-modal="true">Contains modal content...</div>

Passed Example 3

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This div element with a role of textbox has multiple aria-* attributes which are defined in WAI-ARIA Specifications.

	aria-label="Enter your hobbies"

Passed Example 4

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This input element with a role of spinbutton has multiple aria-* attributes specified which are all defined in WAI-ARIA Specifications.

<label for="spinbutton">Enter a number between 0 and 100:</label>


Failed Example 1

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This li element with a role of menuitemcheckbox has an aria-* attribute which is not defined in WAI-ARIA Specifications.

	<li role="menuitemcheckbox" aria-not-checked="true">List Item</li>

Failed Example 2

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This div element with a role of searchbox has an aria-* attribute (aria-labelled) which is not defined in WAI-ARIA Specifications.

<span id="label">Birthday:</span>
<div contenteditable role="searchbox" aria-labelled="label" aria-placeholder="MM-DD-YYYY">


Inapplicable Example 1

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This canvas element does not have an aria-* attribute specified.

<canvas> </canvas>



An outcome is a conclusion that comes from evaluating an ACT Rule on a test subject or one of its constituent test target. An outcome can be one of the three following types:

  • Inapplicable: No part of the test subject matches the applicability
  • Passed: A test target meets all expectations
  • Failed: A test target does not meet all expectations

Note: A rule has one passed or failed outcome for every test target. When there are no test targets the rule has one inapplicable outcome. This means that each test subject will have one or more outcomes.

Note: Implementations using the EARL10-Schema can express the outcome with the outcome property. In addition to passed, failed and inapplicable, EARL 1.0 also defined an incomplete outcome. While this cannot be the outcome of an ACT Rule when applied in its entirety, it often happens that rules are only partially evaluated. For example, when applicability was automated, but the expectations have to be evaluated manually. Such "interim" results can be expressed with the incomplete outcome.

Useful Links


This section is not part of the official rule. It is populated dynamically and not accounted for in the change history or the last modified date. This section will not be included in the rule when it is published on the W3C website.

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Equal Access Accessibility CheckerconsistentYesView Report
QualWebconsistentYesView Report
SortSiteconsistentYesView Report



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